med Maxida Märak, Mimi Märak och Nina Nordvall Vahlberg
Fredag 2 augusti kl 20:00
Kom och se stället alla talar om, samt njut av musik och poesi!
Alla är Välkomna!
med Maxida Märak, Mimi Märak och Nina Nordvall Vahlberg
Fredag 2 augusti kl 20:00
Kom och se stället alla talar om, samt njut av musik och poesi!
Alla är Välkomna!
Från barrikaden ikväll. Tänkvärt efter polisens övergrepp.
As many are aware, mining the world over has destroyed beautiful nature, and frequently encroaches on the land and territorial rights of indigenous people. Disregarding the local communities affected, overzealous resource extraction displaces people, and negatively impacts the environment – impacts which often last in perpetuity. A foreign mining company is trying to do just that in Northern Sweden.
The company behind the test mining in Kallak (Sami: Gállok) is the British-based Beowulf Mining, who’s Swedish counterpart is Jokkmokk Iron Mines (JIMAB), who are hoping to find iron-rich magnetite deposits in the area. Kallak is located in Northern Sweden, in the county of Jokkmokk. These are Sámi lands, and is part of Sápmi. The proposed site is located on reindeer grazing lands the Sámi have used since time immemorial, and a mine here would encroach on their rights and traditional lands. A mine in this location puts the Luleå River at risk as well, where dam failure and poorer water quality would likely be just a few of the unfortunate side-effects.
JIMAB has shown disregard for the local community, Sámi people and their rights, and Swedish legislation. Just five days before the police action on July 30, the Swedish Mining Inspectorate issued their final warning to the company for it’s disregard of the legislation regarding mineral extraction in Sweden. In other words, one more strike and they’ll lose their permit for their operations there.
On July 30, the police arrived to dismantle the blockade set up by demonstrators, at the request of JIMAB, as it hindered their access to the area. Six demonstrators were arrested. They were bussed to the nearby city of Gällivare where they were questioned and later freed. According to several reports, they are suspected for violent resistance and criminal conversion. One of the demonstrators, Malin Norrby, noted, in an interview with Swedish Radio, that several people had filed police reports against JIMAB, without reaction from the police; however, when JIMAB had requested help in removing the demonstrators, the police were quick to act. The week prior, Fred Boman, JIMAB’s vice president, had stated that the company would put off it’s work until autumn, hoping that the demonstrators would be gone by then, though no one is surprised over this broken promise.
Individuals at the scene in Kallak question the tactics of the police and the amount of force used to remove the demonstrators. Police disagree with this critique; however, images and videos have surfaced, and been spread on social media, including an image of a police officer stepping on a Sámi flag. Members of the Sámi community have expressed concern over these images and videos, including Aili Keskitalo, former president of Norway’s Sámi Parliament and Josefina Lundgren Skerk, leader of Sweden’s Sámi Parliament’s Youth Council. In addition, Sámi musician Anja Storelv said in an interview with Swedish Radio P4 Norrbotten, “I saw the image and felt that someone could have just as well spat in my face.”
The blockade has been replaced as of July 31, and demonstrators are back on the scene, and indications are that more are on the way. The goal is to continue making things difficult for the mining company to start blasting at the site. JIMAB began test drilling immediately after the demonstrators were removed on July 30, and the holes were refilled (not with explosives, according to the demonstrators on site). Blasting has yet to be done at the time of writing.
Outside of Norrbotten, the Swedish media has largely been silent about the protests in Kallak/Gállok, especially regarding the police incident on July 30. In addition, Sweden’s Minister of Commerce, Annie Lööf has also been silent in the face of critique.
Social media has been the primary resource those against mining in Kallok/Gállok have been using in order to spread information within Sweden and abroad. We encourage you to share this on Facebook, Twitter and other social media outlets to bring light to the encroachment on indigenous lands in Sweden, and the Swedish government’s favouring of foreign corporate interests over the rights of it’s indigenous peoples.
On Twitter, please tag posts with #kallak, and we encourage you to tweet Annie Lööf at @annieloof to voice your dismay.
Sources: Sverigesradio/Norrbottens Kuriren/Urbergsgruppen/NSD/SVT/SvD”
Henrik är bra på att få ut film snabbt och det här kom redan i måndags! Det finns massa mer film men utan ström och med långsamt internet i skogen är det lite knepigt att få ut saker!
Den växer fram.
The new blockade is here! It grows steadily! Welcome here to see it!
Bilder kommer senare. Dom på bolaget såg inte så muntra ut i morse.. Det som hann hända igår efter att blockaden mejats sönder var att dom borrade spränghål i första provbrottet och fyllde igen med något (inte sprängmedel). Ännu har inget sprängts, blockaden återuppstår och motståndet växer! Det kommer inte bli en gruva, ni kan ge er redan nu så slipper ni besväret!
Vi agerar i enlighet med FNs world charter for nature som säger att vi inte bara ska konsumera ”rätt” utan att vi har en skyldighet att agera, individuellt eller med andra, för att texten efterlevs i verkligheten.
Polisens och Beowulfs agerande bryter således mot en FN-överenskommelse.
Vi väntar inte på att bra överenskommelser efterlevs, vi lever dem i detta nu.
24. Each person has a duty to act in accordance with the provisions of
the present Charter; acting individually, in association with others or through participation in the political process, each person shall strive to
ensure that the objectives and requirements of the present Charter are met.
Letter for Actions in #kallak Gállok in Sapmi, Sweden.
Right now there is a battle against mining in Sapmi, north of Sweden, going on. We have barricaded the road leading to the site where Beowulf mining Plc. want to make test mines. This is the sami peoples lands stolen by the swedish state and colonized since way back. We stand in solidarity with indigenous culture and fight against the megamachine of mining. The swedish police are now on the site removing obstacles to help the mining corporation proceed. At least 6 people have been arrested already but protests are still going on. For five days the police have this special mission to help the evil corporation, that’s why we need people now!
This is a strategic battle, if the resistance to the mine is strong enough Beowulf will not be able to sell the mining site to another corporation (which is their plan). There is a security radius of 150m from the test pits, if people are inside those the corp. are not able to detonate explosives. How far is this corporation ready to go? Are they ready to blow people up to get their ore? We don’t know but we are ready to die to stop them. Solidarity protests, new warriors, prayers, actions and whatever you can imagine to help is/are welcome!
For everything wild and free!
more info at:
Brev för aktioner i #kallak Gállok, Sapmi Sverige.
Just nu pågår en strid mot en gruva i Sapmi, norra Sverige. Vi har barrikaderat vägen som leder till platsen som Beowulf mining plc. vill spränga. Det här är samers land som stulits av svenska staten och koloniserats i generationer. Vi står upp i solidaritet med ursprungsbefolkning och naturnära uppehälle mot megamaskinen som kallas gruvnäring. Den svenska polisen är nu på plats i Kallak för att ta bort hinder och hjälpa gruvbolaget att fortsätta sina planer. Minst 6 personer är redan gripna men portesterna fortsätter. I fem dagar har polisen uppdrag att hjälpa det ondsinta företaget att spränga testgruvan, därför behövs folk just nu!!!
Detta är ett strategiskt slag, om motståndet mot gruvan är riktigt starkt i detta skede blir det svårare för företaget att sälja gruvfyndigheten (vilket är deras plan). Det finns en säkerhetsradie på 150 meter från testbrotten under sprängning, om folk befinner sig inom dessa är det inte lagligt att spränga. Hur långt är Beofulf beredda att gå? Är dom beredda att spränga folk i luften för sin malm? Vi vet inte men vi är redo att dö för att stoppa dem. Solidaritets demonstrationer, nya krigare, böner, aktioner och allt du kan hitta på är allt välkommet!
För allt vilt och fritt!
mer info på:
Båda blockadtornen nere och allting som behövs för att spränga finns på plats. Det är dags för alla som vill kunna leva i framtiden att åka till #kallak och mobilisera alla krafter de kan för att stoppa vansinne. Några personer är påväg med polisbil till Gällivarepolisstation.