Vi är ganska dåliga på att uppdatera den här hemsidan, men nu har det hänt så mycket att vi kände att vi var tvungna. Under augusti månad hettade det verkligen till under jorden. En uppmaning till att agera emot Norrbottniabanan spreds över nätet och ett flertal kommunikéer har dykt upp efter det. Sabotage-aktioner har ägt rum i både Schweiz, Tyskland, och Frankrike mot företag som är involverade i byggnationen.
Vandaliserat Implenia AG kontor (Vienna, Austria)
Företaget Implenia AG’s kontor vandaliserades och på dörrarna spejades meddelanden till dem att sluta med byggandet av Norrbotniabanan i Svensk-ockuperade Sápmi. I kommunikén skriver de så här:
”Implenia AG, a Swiss construction and real estate company has chosen to take part in constructing a railway, that crosses indigenous land and drives extractivist and exploitative process now labeled as ‘’the green transformation’’ This as a continuity of the colonialization and violence towards the Sámi people that has been ongoing for hundreds of years. Implenia should drop this project or expect more similar visits.”
Attack mot Implenia AG’s huvudkontor (Bern, Schweiz)
Impenia AG’s huvudkontor i Schweiz blev sprejat med ”Hands off Sápmi!”.
Northvolt stinker av smörsyra (Hamburg, Germany)
En av Northvolts byggnader i Hamburg blev insprutat med stinkande smörsyra varefter dörrarna limmades igen. På fasaden skrevs ”Northvolt, Hand Off Sápmi!” Med deras egna ord: ”Because your lies stink to heaven! And we wish you that you will puke as much as we do when we hear about your projects.”
Sabotage av järnväg (Meuse, France)
En oanvänd järnväg som är planerad att öppnas för att kunna transportera radioaktivt avfall saboterades för att försvåra restaureringsprocessen.
Låtsas-flygblad spreds i Northvolts namn (Heide, Germany)
Flygblad med information spreds i Heide med Northvolts logga. Det enda vi vet stod på flygbladet är: ”With great power comes great responsibility.”
Sabotage mot fyra av LKAB’s borriggar (Kiruna, Sweden)
Dessutom har fyra av LKAB’s borriggar utsatts för sabotage där någon har skurit sönder slangar och däck och tömt ut bränsledunkar. En vecka senare trängde sig en beväpnad och maskerad person in i borriggen. Ingen kom till skada.
För vidare information se
Sabotage against the green castle of air
We are pretty bad at updating this website, but now so many things happened that we felt like we had to write about it. During august it really heated up under ground. A call out to act against North Bothnia Line was spread across the web and multiple communiques has showed up afterwards. Sabotage actions has taken place in both Austria, Schwizerland, Germany and France against companies involved in the building.
Vandalized Implenia AG office (Vienna, Austria)
The company Implenia AG’s office was vandalized and on the doors, messages were sprayed to them to stop the construction of the North Bothnia Line in Swedish-occupied Sápmi. In the communique they write like this: ”Implenia AG, A Swiss Construction and Real Estate Company Has Chosen To Take Part In Constructing a Railway, That Crosses Indigenous Land and Drives Extractivist and Exploitative Process Now Labeled As’ ’The Green Transformation’ ” This as a Continuity Towards The Sámi People that Has Been Ongoing for Hundreds of Years. Implenia Should Drop This Project or Expect More Similar Visits.”
Attack against Implenia AG’s headquarters (Bern, Switzerland)
Impenia AG’s headquarters in Switzerland was sprayed with ”Hands off Sápmi!”.
Northvolt stinks of butyric acid (Hamburg, Germany)
One of Northvolt’s buildings in Hamburg was injected with smelly butyric acid after which the doors were glued again. On the facade was written ”Northvolt, hand off Sápmi!” In their own words: ”Because your lies stink to heaven! And we wish you that you will puke as much as we do when we hear about your projects.”
Sabotage of Railway (Meuse, France)
An unused railway planned to be opened to be able to transport radioactive waste was sabotaged to make the restoration process more difficult.
Fake flyer spread in Northvolt’s name (Heide, Germany)
Flyers with information spread in Heide with Northvolt’s logo. All we know was on the flyer is: ”With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.”
Sabotage against four of LKAB’s drill rigs (Kiruna, Sweden)
Also four of LKAB’s drill rigs have been sabotaged where someone cut hoses and tires and emptied some fuel cans. A week later a masked and armed person broke in to the drill rig. No one got hurt.
For further information see