Update september 2020: Beowulf were prepared to continue their prospection earlier in august this year, but cancelled (due to the consequences of covid-19 some claim). The only time that is safe now is that they can’t work november – april without permission from the sami village. But in the work plan it also says that they mainly will ”prioritize that the work will be done during the time span may – november”. Regardless of when they come they are obliged to inform the sami village at least 10 days in advance. The company’s Environmental Impact Assessment have been rejected by the county administrative board more then once and it is now up to the government to decide if Beowulf will get their exploitation concession or not.
The Gállok Rebellion by kolonierna:
The Gállok Rebellion is the story about what happened in the struggle for a mine-free Sápmi the summer 2013, told by us (the resisters). Several blockades were built to halt Jokkmokk Iron Mines (owned by Beowulf Mining Plc.) from testmining iron ore in Jokkmokk, Sápmi. Watch the movie to see what happened!
People & Power – Under Northern Lights, Al Jazeera documentary by Glenn Ellis, made during the struggle 2013 against mines in Sápmi:
A new mining district in Jokkmokk does not only mean harming the local nature, the environment and the people in the area, it is one insane project among thousands. In the ”west” we live on behalf of others and if we destroy the possibility for raindeer herding, fishing and other means of sustenance here, we are forced to colonize other countries and steal food and water there. Just because we stop a mine in Sápmi/Sweden doesn’t that mean another one is started in a ”developing country”, but we have to get food somehow.
We fight all kinds of kolonialism and destruction of food- and watersupply. It is not sustainable to buy bottled water in a store imported and packaged in comparison to just pump up the clean water that is still available in Sápmi, Sweden, Norway, Finland. Most people understand that you do not shit in the water you drink, but we also want to stop those that does not understand this.
If you want to support our struggle against mining, colonialism and pollution: consider purchasing our CD, name your price!
On the bottom of this page there is a gallery, ©kolonierna.se email: kolonierna(a)gmail.com to buy or get permission to use images. The pictures are free to use for non-profit organizations and individuals.
Here is some in some cases outdated info about Kamp Gállok:

Way description:
Car/Hitchhiking: Go by road 45 north from Jokkmokk, turn towards Kvikkjokk after some kilometers, go a while, turn left towards Björkholmen, follow the signs towards Kallak Gállok. If you hitchhike we can come get you nearby or in Jokkmokk. It seems rather easy to hitchhike here.
If you travel by bus you can take bus 94 towards Kvikkjokk and get off in Randijaur from there it is 10 km to Gállok. Walk towards Björkholmen.
Coordinates to the camp: Lat: 66° 47,68792 Long: 19° 08,09345
Contact: kolonierna@riseup.net we check the email frequently.
The money is for food, fines, mischief and much more! Thank you for your support!
There are many reasons to resist against an iron mine in Gállok.
- Solidarity with a people that have, for centuries, been oppressed and colonized by the state. Law and regulations have for a long long time been bad for people living close to nature.
- Defend the landscape, the animals, beings and the future! Gállok is a very beautiful place, with cloudberries, blueberries, reindeer and the small lake Gállokjávrre which is full of fish and so clean we drink the water from it. It’s surrounded by swamps and an old-growth forest with many of the species extinct in other places.
- There is local resistance to the mine in Gállok, which is good so the resistance can be durable.
- Exploitation of the country side. Civilization and economies have clearcut forests, built dams in the rivers and when nothing is left to live from the mining industry comes like ”saviors”. They offer work opportunities that only lasts a couple of years and sacrifices the last sustainable livelihoods before they leave an even more devastated landscape behind. + mines always releases toxins in the water and air.
- The Mining industry creates conflicts in the local communities. People that used to be friends get divided by differing opinions about the mines.
- A mine in Gállok does not only afflict the closeby area but also risks Luleå river. There is a risk for damfailure and that the water quality decreases. A big wastewater dam is planned in the forest and in the lake GállokJávvre, where poisonous waste water would be stored for eternity. That no waste water would ever leak is only a dream.
check out the mining problems in talvivaara in finland
Hej! congratulations for your very effective and courageous resistance this summer. That’s the right way! Keep strong, and spread continual your protest and resistance in the EU and the world. I wish you a great power of endurance!
Serge (Twittername: zollrei2)
I was working for many years ago -with succes- against the storage of nuclear waiste in Luspie (Storuman) with the help of friends from Switzerland, Germany, Japan and Greenpeace
I feel very grateful for your fierce resistance last summer! As I think you know, this mining project is just one of millions of assaults by civilization on our planet. If you haven’t already heard of it, read about Deep Green Resistance, a book, strategy, and organization devoted to bringing down industrial civilization and stopping all its destruction once and for all!
DGR is working now to make our website multilingual, so if you have any time, or know anyone who would be interested in helping translate to Swedish (or any other language), please let me know!
Thanks for all the work you’re doing. It’s needed desperately.
Thank for your support! Some of us have heard and read dgr + other Jensen books. Good stuff for sure. Hope we meet sometime on the battlefield against civ
Ja, liebe Phyllis, man muß sich abzugrenzen wissen gegen jene Gestalten, die immer was zu sagen haben! Also sagen wir mehr oder weniger ausführlich nichts – gelegentlich. Und was die Zeichnung angeht, das ist so eine typische Sugslechnerlzeichnunp, die ebenso gut wie eine Langsamzeichnung dokumentiert, daß ich überhaupt nicht zeichnen kann. Ich tu’s aber trotzdem – besser als nix, würde ich mal sagen ….
Gangham Style is over 1 billion views and we’re still here… :OI’m gonna kick myself for missing the deadline… I’d love to have given Resharper and maybe PhpStorm a try – and couldn’t beat the price…
Sorry I posted to the old version of your website
The news I was referring to was the latest from Länsstyrelsen:
No problem! Yes that is really good news! I will try to update the page asap.