ALMEDALEN 2014 – Demonstrationer för Ojnareskogen #Ojnare #Gruvboom = #Gruvbubbla

Vi lever i en gruvboom (bubbla)!

Skärmavbild 2014-06-30 kl. 13.55.18

Onsdag 3 juli 17:00–19:00
Vi har nu fått beskedet att Nordkalk och Svenska Mineral har fått tillstånd respektive får utvidga sin täktverksamhet i Ojnareskogen.

Vi lägger nu all vår kraft på att protestera mot att vi idag i Sverige inte kan skydda världsunik natur vare sig innanför natura 2000, naturreservat eller blivande nationalparker eller utanför när vi upptäcker hur unika höga värden det finns.

Kampen om Ojnareskogen går före de andra processerna och är principiellt mycket viktig.

Vi samlas kl 17.30 Gotlandsänget utanför Botaniska. Där kommer Lis Hellström att sjunga Vad ur vi med sommaren kamrater!

Demonstrationståget kommer att röra sig innanför ringmuren med två planerade stopp för kortare tal.
Tågets väg: Tranhusg – St Drottens – Stora Torget – Södra kyrkog – Hästgatan – Donners plats – Hamngatan – Hamnplan – Cramegatan – Almedalen


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14 tankar kring ”ALMEDALEN 2014 – Demonstrationer för Ojnareskogen #Ojnare #Gruvboom = #Gruvbubbla

  1. My Mom is Mexican too, and my ears, along with my sisters, were pierced in our first year. All my girl cousins went through the same tradition too. The only issue any of us had with our ear piercings was with my little sister because one of hers kept closing. She looked like a pirate for the first couple years and now she has more piercings that all of us cousins and siblings combined. lol.

  2. He can’t make abortion illegal. It’s unconstitutional. What he CAN do is make it so that it’s paid out of people’s pockets instead of by taxpayers who may not support it. Frankly, these issues are minute compared to the issues Americans face with Obama being president. In his speech at the Dem. Nat. Conv., he proposed ideas he’d complete after his term. That’s illegal, but if he becomes president, he’ll make sure a democrat gets into office, ensuring he can do whatever. Americans are dumb xP

    1. ويتمثل هذا الابتكار في طريقة جديدة لاستخلاص منتج دوائي من عشب نبات “حلفا بر”، وتتسم هذه الطريقة بانخفاض كمية المذيبات تî™Â„مسا˜ÂÃدمة وزمن الاستخلاص وزيادة إنتاجية الخلاصة لكل كيلو جرام عشب.

  3. Pendapat saya1) Sikit kalau setia sepenuhnya adalah lebih baik dr banyak menyusahkan parti2) PKR masih baru, jadi yg dlm dewan inilah yg setia. Yg lain cuma hendakkan pangkat.3) Chegu Bard sepatutnya PROFESIONAL, kalau kalah terimalah ..usaha lagi nanti, bukannya protes senyap-senyap4) Sekarang DSAI tentunya lega sbb dia tahu SIAPA HANTU dalam partinya…mudah untuknya menletakkan Calon PRU13 nanti.Sekian

  4. 2009/06/20 ‘mempastekan’?‘naik taxi kesasar’?‘enak tau. where are you going?’?hoho… gue suka agak geli melihat orang-orang mencampur-campur bahasa… .-= bagas´s last blog .. =-.

    1. I grew up in South East Asia, so I know about traveling. Granted, we lived there for MANY years, but I managed to see a lot of areas in the world that I wou#;n&l8217dt have had we not moved there. The Hubs and I did quite a lot of traveling when we were first married, but now that we have a child, we really haven’t done any. But I’m finally reaching that place where I am almost ready to start seeing the world again. I shall be asking you for tips and tricks! I love your blog, by the way!

  5. Ha, this made me smile. I can imagine how it feels. But on the other hand, lucky you to have a couple of characters that people like enough to want seven books about them!Not much idea how to reinvigorate. But could you go more into the characters somehow, dig up a long-lost uncle, or have them take up the violin, or something? Just something to deepen your sense of the characters, even if it doesn't make much difference to the plot.

  6. J — Your advise could just as easily go to Mary. If you don’t like an article, just move on.meghan — Why argue? There will always be people who think this should be I agree with you, and like the updates about child stars. Not everyone will agree, however.

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